Happy Rising, yyc ROCKS Community Members!
We’re excited to share some updates that will make it easier for us to connect, collaborate, and build the supportive, interactive lives we all desire. Life can feel challenging when we go it alone, and the purpose of our community is to strengthen each other through meaningful connection and collaboration.
To keep everyone informed and engaged, we’re streamlining our communication. Going forward, Telegram will be our primary platform for member updates. [JOIN Telegram] This shift will allow us to share information clearly and concisely, saving valuable time.
Together We Grow!
Staying connected is how we grow through what we’re going through. Preparing and sharing these updates takes time, effort, and energy, so we’re committed to providing timely, organized information through Telegram. It’s essential for each member to check in regularly. If you’re a business owner or offer services or products, make sure our members can easily find you so we can all support each other.
If you’re not yet on the Service Directory, let’s get that done ASAP! This directory allows other members to connect with you and explore what you offer. Here’s the link to get started: [Service Directory Link].
Upcoming Events
Weekly Drum Circles with EES System Experience We have three more opportunities to join our drum circles and experience the magic of music as medicine within the serene environment of the EES System. Join us on November 3, 10, or 17. Tickets: [Buy Tickets]
Prayer Group - In response to member requests, we’re introducing a Prayer Group that will gather on the first Sunday of each month. Next Gathering: November 3, 1:00–2:30 pm What is Prayer? Why do People Pray? How do we Pray? Find more details on our Event Calendar. RSVP.
11:11 Sound Event – November 11, 2024 Time: 6:00–8:00 pm Location: 64070 338 Ave E, Foothills.
This special event is dedicated to releasing emotional stress in a compassionate and supportive space, allowing us to let go of what no longer serves us and open up to new growth.
With 44 spaces available, we’ll come together for an immersive experience of breathwork, powerful mantras, sound bowls, drums, and the didgeridoo within a scalar energy field at the YahWeh wellness lounge. All proceeds go to our youth mental wellness initiative, “InPower Your Inner Beat.” BUY TICKETS
United We Rise! Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Let’s grow, support, and inspire each other through this community. I look forward to connecting with you on Telegram and seeing you at our upcoming events!
In Gratitude & Abundance, The yyc ROCKS Community Team