Sun, Nov 03
|YahWeh Wellness Studio
Empower your Inner BEAT
Join us on an enlightening journey together every Sunday to support our spirituality through the powerful frequency of sound, movement and connection with sacred drumming. This 11 week program is the launch of yyc ROCKS mental wellness initiative and a prerequisite for our advanced program in 2025!
Time & Location
Nov 03, 2024, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. MST
YahWeh Wellness Studio, 64070 338 Ave E, Foothills County, AB T1S 5N8, Canada
About the event
Our purpose: To help our children remember their innate gifts and soul purpose through the art of sacred drumming. Our aim is to support mental wellness by cultivating self love, confidence and empowerment together in community.
This invaluable experience will be hosted in an environment with an Energy Enhancement System (EES) designed to promote cell regeneration, boost immune function, and create a harmonious balance between the body and mind.
Coming together every Sunday to socialize and share our experiences is not only a cherished tradition but a vital component of nurturing our community and our children’s growth. It is expected that the parent(s) stay for the entirety of the drum session to support their child(ren) while also benefiting from a weekly social.
Our children are under attack and as protectors and supportive guides, we must take action and prioritize our children's mental wellness. yyc ROCKS believes that true health starts with one's inner self. In community, we believe we can empower our children to see their fullest potential and learn how to nurture themselves with self love through a first of its kind intentional child focused drum circle.
This weekly gathering provides a supportive environment where we can learn from each other's journeys and offer encouragement, fostering a sense of unity and collective wisdom that can be shared and passed down. As we actively engage with one another regulary, we contribute to a powerful energy exchange that enhances our children's awareness of their innate abilities to heal themselves and others. Through the sacred rhythm of drumming, our children will gain confidence and a deeper connection to their own potential, empowering them to harness their inner strength and positively impact those around them. This child focused communal drumming experience will strengthen our bonds and bring us all closer to our inner purpose. We hope to create a ripple effect of healing and personal growth that extends far beyond just our Sunday sessions.
Please purchase tickets here for all those registering. Parent(s) are included in the cost. Send eTransfer to members@yycrocks.ca
Limited parking. Please carpool if possible
Bring a reusable waterbottle and snack for after (No food or drinks will be provided. No food inside the EES area)
As one of yyc ROCKS mental wellness iniatives, Inner Beat will be an introductory program as well as a prerequisite for next year's 2025 advanced program.
Inner Beat (introductory) 11 week program Sept 8 - Nov 17
Key concepts - Energy, frequency, chakras, connections, music, movement, patterns, values, healthy behaviours, fun!
Inner Beat (advanced) 11 week program 2025 dates/times TBD
Key concepts - Inner purpose, morality, courage, authenticity, rhythm, balance, compassion, entrepreneurship, healing, joy!
About our Facilitator
Gita has 2 levels of Integrated Community Drumming Circle (ICDC) plus Gentle Therapeutic Drumming training from Circles of Rhythm (a well-loved and well-established company based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with 25+ years in business – they hold beautiful Circles every Friday evening throughout the year) and has been facilitating drumming circles, large and small, at various venues around the community since October 2016, including – but not limited to – elementary and junior high schools, Okotoks Children’s Festival, Canada Day events, retirement homes, community centres, Foothills Wellness Retreat events, and private locations. Her mission and vision is to build community and help you create Inner Peace, Balance, Joy, Authenticity and Fun in your life, one drumbeat at a time.
Gita has recently started her own venture, Infinite Rhythms, offering Drumming Circles and other forms of Sound Healing, Retreats and Fun Collaborations. Willing and open to help you bring YOUR ideas to Life!
Infinite Rhythms Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/infiniterhythms/
Instagram: @infiniterhythms and/or @gita.book (personal profile)
Website: https://infiniterhythms.ca/
Phone: 403.390.3117
Young children are naturally curious beings who have not yet been “infused” with society’s stories and norms. In that aspect, they are pure and receptive to energy, rhythm and vibration of the Drum and are perfect vessels to channel the healing benefits.
It’s beautiful when after Rhythm Cradle a child says, “The colours are brighter” in response to “How did that feel?”
A message from yyc ROCKS
Our family has been working through the challenges of divorce. I recently started attending the Friday night drum circle with Julien and had such a profound experience I decided to make it a priority to attend as much as possible. I noticed a change in my girls' mentality immediately as well as increased confidence and self fullfullment, which was severely lacking prior. Once my eldest knew she had the capabilities to heal, she transformed out of her shell and I could see the pure joy in her eyes of knowing her importance in the world.