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Member Application

It is our desire to create a community of contributing like minded and like hearted men and women. If you are interested in becoming a member of yyc ROCKS - A Private Members Association please take the time to review our website to ensure you are aligned with our Vision, Mission, Principles and Values.


To start the members application process please fill out the application form below.  You will receive an email with further information after submitting. 


Information on member dues will be sent once your membership application has been approved.


NOTE:  One submission per person - Please submit a separate form for Each member over 18.   Our system will have errors if you submit 2 members at once.  As well, each member MUST have their own email address. 

Did a member of this PMA refer you?

**For Children over 18 that would like to be part of the community, please fill out a separate application. 

Do you offer services in any of the following areas? Check all that apply
Members Helping Members - can you provide support to members in any of the following areas? Check all that apply
yyc ROCKS Needs Your Support - Please indicate areas you can help out

Thank you for Applying!

Watch your email for next steps

Please Check junk/spam if you do not receive an email with a link to join us. To avoid missing emails we encourage that yyc ROCKS be added as a contact.



Calgary, AB, Canada

Connect with us!


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