Logging In:
Try these steps:
Once your membership has been approved, you should receive an email with steps to log into our site. If you have not received this email, please check your "junk" or "trash" folders in your email.
** NOTE: For your first login, make sure to log into the website - NOT THE APP.
You can not use the same email address for 2 people.
To log in:
Make sure you are not logged in to YYC ROCKS under another member. If so - log out.
Be sure you are using the same email address that you signed up with.
Login Instructions for 1st login or after password reset:
Enter the email address that you used to send in your application.
In the password field, use any 4 characters – ex. 1234
Find the email sent with the 6 digit code and enter it to confirm your email.
If you can’t find the email code Make sure to check “spam” or junk folders ( Try searching “Wix” ) Or select Resend Code.
If you are still having troubles, please feel free to send us a chat message to help sort out the issue or email us at members@yycrocks.ca
Sometimes, It works better to log in through Google or Facebook instead of the Email and Password.